Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mr Business Golf takes Sabbatical

Say Business Golfers and Mr Business Golf fans,

I wanted to let you know I am taking a sabbatical to work on my second book. I am not leaving the blogsphere just pulling back to my IBGS site..

I will still be out here for ya if you need me...here is where you can find me until I get back.

Happy Blogging and let me know how I can help.

IBGS Web-Blog-Everything Site

Scot Duke

President & Business Golf Mentor

Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC





My Blogs: Business Golf

                The Duke Consults

                Is This Really All Worth It?



Friday, July 27, 2007

Cost of Golf: Business Golf is the Solution

I frequently read about how some of the changes in our culture and society surrounding golf are going to impact the costs associated with providing golf.  Some experts in the golf industry predict good things coming and some predict that golf is finally meeting its match.  Even others are saying that if the changes the golf industry faces today are not addressed, golf will fall back to what it was 60 years ago.

So what are some of the good things and what are some of the things experts are saying are going to put golf out reach of the average middle class golfers.

The good news is golf is very popular.  More people are playing golf than ever before.  Estimates are that there are now 80 million golfers around the world.  A few years ago it was 47 million.  People are finding that golf fits their needs personally, socially and now professionally.

Still on the good side of things there are a huge number of business people who are interested into getting into golf but are hesitant because they cannot figure out how to make it fit into their busy day, or find a way for golf to help their business.

On the downside of what could take place in golf, experts are predicting the regulations our government is going to have to put into place on immigration will shake the golf industry to the core and will result in operations costs for golf facilities to rise. 

What is taking place today with golf facilities, public and private, is the discounting of green fees, and other services provided at golf facilities, to be competitive.  This style of management will stress the balance sheets for golf facilities if changes are not made and solutions found. 

The operation’s budget of a golf course is huge.  It takes a lot of resources to maintain a golf course.  The continuing increase in fuel costs has impacted the bottom-line but now the increase in labor costs will force golf facilities to raise the greens fees.

This would result in golf being thrown out of reach for a large number of golfers.

However, there are solutions.  Remember those business people who want to get into golf if they could find a way to benefit their business?  If they could only learn how to make it work...hummmmm, wonder who could help them?

Golf facilities need to look outside the normal approach they use today of how many tee times they need to book to float the golf course operation’s budget.  Golf facilities, as well as many golf related businesses, need to take on the challenges facing golf head on and not default to something that will not work any longer.

Bottomline: Find solutions.  There are some that need to be looked into. ...let me know how I can help.


Scot Duke

President & Business Golf Mentor

Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC




My Blogs: Business Golf

                The Duke Consults

                Is This Really All Worth It?



Friday, July 20, 2007

Business Golf: Table of Content

Here it is...what you have been hammering me about.  The How to Play Business Golf Table of Content.


Scot Duke

President & Business Golf Mentor

Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC




My Blogs: Business Golf

                The Duke Consults

                Is This Really All Worth It?



Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tour 18-Dallas

Tour 18-Dallas...pretty good track.  I was out there yesterday playing a little Business Golf.  Could be a place you would want to check out when you are in town.  Read my report on yesterday’s event.



Scot Duke

President & Business Golf Mentor

Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC




My Blogs: Business Golf

                The Duke Consults

                Is This Really All Worth It?



Thursday, July 12, 2007

Business Golf: Book Now Available

Here It Is! BOOK Price Reduced!

Yes, the price book, How To Play Business Golf,


Check out the new reduced price for the IBGS Best Seller...

Here is your chance to learn all you need to know about using golf with business.

This book lays it ALL out on how golf and business are merged together to become Business Golf.

Get your copy NOW!

Scot Duke

President & Business Golf Mentor

Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC



My Blogs: Business Golf

The Duke Consults

Is This Really All Worth It?


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Golfers: They are Not online, YET

Currently, in an effort to take my business to more golfers, I am out talking to business people, both online and offline, to get their take on my business plan.

So far I have talked to over 30 CEO’s, Senior VP’s, Owners, Founders, Employees and Retirees of businesses ranging from online direct marketing to General Counsel for one of the top law firms of America.  I asked them to give me their take on business golf and golf online in general.

To qualify this research, the people I am talking to interest level in golf ranges from 10% being rabid non-golfers to 10% being professional golfers...and all in between.

To keep from boring you with all of the statistical data and get closer to the bottom-line, the over whelming statement that has caught my attention is that 98% of these people say they have absolutely no interest in going online to find out about anything about golf.  

Now, I realize that 30 people is not a widespread representation of the world of business nor golf.  I took that into account when I asked these people the questions and asked them another question that provided me more data. 

I asked each person that out of the people that socialize with how many of them talk about being online looking for golf or they know for a fact that they are going online to visit with other golfers or looking for information on golf online.

Only the non-golfers remarked on seeing golfers online but they had no interest in communicating with them since they were golfers. 

The rest of the people I have talked to (and still looking for more to talk to) say they had no associates who they have overheard saying they were online looking for golf information.

Now, the spectrum of the number of people my talking has covered is broadening some.  So the questions is now, Who are these people who are joining the many golf sites that are popping up online?

That is a good question and from what I have seen from joining over 20 golf sites, there are some good people in these groups but they are small in number.  There are also many more in these groups that have alternative motives contrary to socializing with anyone in the groups. 

OH Yes, I have been challenged by the ‘MySpace wannabes’ who say they have 10’s of thousands of members which cannot be verified, so I want get into that.  Even if that was a true number it does not come close to being a significant amount of the total 47 million golfers in the world.  There I go, providing you with boring statistics...

Recently, my interviews have lead me to talk to a partner of an advertising firm who provided me with information from a market study his firm did for a golf related product.   The client was interested in promoting the product online. 

Their study showed that there was not a significant number of REAL golfers, (being someone who plays golf that would understand the benefits of the products) to make it worth ANY WHILE to spend any money or time promoting the product outside of their obligatory web-site.

This report is so far what has driven home my thinking all along.  It also confirms that the golfers who are online are so consumer savvy they only are interested in things that have a larger Offline presence than an online presence.  Meaning, what they see on the golf course is what they go online looking for...

However, the report went further to profile more about who the golfers are that are online.  It did clarify that the information was gathered from interviews made with people who SAID they were online or were members of an online golf group.

60% of respondents are in the 18 to 25 year old range.  98% of that group was only online looking for a data or someone else to play golf with locally.  Out of the remainder of the group, 10% were in the 35 to 50 year group (the group that has the income of interest to the economy) and 98% of them were only online to find golf travel destinations or to book golf trips to golf resorts.

Out of the report there were 3% of the golfers who said they were business owners and came online looking for news on golf and golf related discussions.

So there you have it, over 80% of the golfers online are online just to find a date or book a golf trip.  This now explains why there are so many of these sites popping up.

So what is all of this telling me?  What do you think it is telling me?

I guess you will have to stay tuned to find out more about what else I am finding that effects golf online.



Scot Duke

President & Business Golf Mentor

Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC




My Blogs: Business Golf

                The Duke Consults

                Is This Really All Worth It?



Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Business Golf: Can You Afford Not To?

The statement or remark I hear the most from business people I meet and talk to about the benefits of Business Golf is.....”I can’t afford to..”.  It is either I can’t afford to...take the time, or I just cannot afford to.... to play golf

Either way it is telling me they do not know how to make golf work for them in business or they just have not tried at all to use golf as a business tool due their thinking it is two expensive.

There are ways of going about using golf as a business tool that are affordable and time effective.  What comes next is lack of confidence in it really working.

Usually, the “lack of time issue” is the caused by something in the set-up of the business’ operation.  Usually, too much time is spent doing repetitive or redundant tasks that take away from the time that can be spent in reaping the benefits associated from playing business golf. 

As far as the ‘cannot afford issue’ that usually is caused from lack of long term planning.  Business Golf does not have to be played everyday.  With long term thinking an annual business golf outing can be easily managed into any budget.

Both of the “I can’t afford to” issues are the results of an overall lack of understanding of what business golf can do to improve business.

The answer to this and more questions about business golf comes from learning How To Play Business Golf.  Even for the non-golfer, there are ways of benefiting from golf in a time effective and affordable manor.  It all comes from learning how.

This is not to say that playing business golf does not take time and does not cost money.  Business Golf is golf and it takes both time and money to play it, but what comes with Business Golf that does not come with just playing regular golf is in how you go about planning for the outing and in the way you play golf with a client.

All of this and much, much more is discussed in the New How To Play Business Golf Seminars now available for you to book for your business conference or your business golf outing.

All of the secrets of How To Play Business Golf are in the book How To Play Business Golf and even more step by step methods of showing you how to play business golf is offered in the new seminar/workshops.  Go to http://innovativebusinessgolf.com for more details.



Scot Duke

President & Business Golf Mentor

Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC




My Blogs: Business Golf

                The Duke Consults

                Is This Really All Worth It?
