Blog and then Blog Somemore
I had a popular internet marketing guru ask me, “Why do you have so many different blog sites?”. Though my answer was pat he seemed to be astonished to learn that my approach to blogging is not only logical but what more people probably need to do.
My answer to my good friend’s question was two fold. First, I blog on different sites primarily to get to those people who only read blogs on that particular platform. Surveys show that people who blog on WP Free platform usually only read WP Free blogs from tier Tag Surfer or Tag Blogger searches. The same goes with Blogger as well as the more Open Source platforms like Type Pad and WordPress.
The second answer to why I blog on so many different sites is, like most people, I have so many different interests and moods. I wake up in the morning and I may want to pass on my Business Golf Experience or my Business Operations experience or my Internet Blogging experience or my Non-Profit Experience or, more importantly, my humor.
As we went into more questions and answers to why I do what I do and what I write about we got into the debate on if I feel I am to unfocused in my drive to what I do for a living. The answer is yes and no. We have agreed that for most people who have single minded drives what I am doing would not work. And we agreed that what I am doing does provide readers the ability to either focus on one thing I write about or jump around and read everything I have to write about.
To be specific and clear for those new friends I am gathering who may not know or have yet to find out that I have several themes and subject I write about, here is the breakdown, or program, for the sites I write about and the subjects I write about on those sites.
IBGS: Business GolfThis is my home site. A stand alone WP platform I use to focus everyone in what is going on in the world of Business Golf. Here I will write about things that effect business or golf or how business golf can be used. I will review a golf course from a business golf point of view or I will outline a point of a business’ operations that Business Golf can help develop. I will report news on subjects that effect the game of golf and how it effects the golf business or industry. Periodically I will write an essay on some off the wall subject or report on something that effects my business on the internet.
This site would be where someone who is interested in learning more about WHY they need to learn to play Business Golf.
Business Golf: The Real Deal
This use to be my home site until I needed to get more commercial. Most of my pre 2007 archives are still there and I periodically will post a blog there just to keep in touch with the many people I have on my Blogroll over there. This site is on the WP Free platform and as I mentioned, there are a large number of people on the internet who will not venture from the blogs for this platform.
This site is where I focus on the game of golf, the rules of golf and the personalities of golf. This site is where the golfers of the world usually go to read my opinions on what the heck is going on in the world of just golf.
The Duke Consults
Now here is where I cut loose on issues that effect businesses directly. I display here my depth of business experience and problem solving skills. This too is a WP Free platform that will not allow me to commercialize on what I do for a living. However, the fans I draw to this site usually have the intelligence to track me back to my IBGS site.
Here I will periodically report on what is going on around the business world and hammer issues like the absurdities of online social networking groups and decay of business people today feeling that strengthening a business’s operations is not needed.
Business Golf Blog
Now this is the site where it all started for me. My first attempt of learning how to blog and what blogging is all about was done on the Blogger platform. It didn’t take me long to hit Bloggers limits in what back then it would do. Blogger has since come a long way and offered a better and easier platform. Unfortunately, Blogger still looks on the screen like a blog and not a web-site. With that said, I am now seeing people using new themes and other techniques to improve the Blogger’s appearance.
I usually use the Blogger site to do short headline blogs featuring what i am talking about on my other sites as well as some of the important issues many of my internet friends are talking about.
Is This Really ALL Worth It
Now this site is where I just let it all hang out. I started this site after losing a new internet friend who was blogging his attempts to make a living on the internet. His journal of very frank reporting of all of the things he tried that SEO’s Direct Marketers of the sort told him to use and did not work was short lived. In a few short months after investing in a number of SEO’s sites that where just set up to get people’s money he was forced into bankrupts and leaving the blogsphere.
I continue where my find left off to draw to people’s attention the downside of the internet and how Offshore influences are capitalizing on people around the world into thinking that SEO’s sites and Direct Marketing and the many, many MLM’s sites are going to make people a lot of money. I sharpen my pen and really get lathered up on this issue since I am running into them also. I will expose them to what they are and who they are in hopes that it helps those who are down to see that they are not alone. Hopefully I can catch some of these people before they go out and attempt to use these sties method of marketing their sites. There are GOOD SEO’s out there and I will highlight them. My quest for this site is to search for the answer to the question I am asking...Is This Really All Worth It.
Give Me A Friggin Break
Like the Is This Really All Worth It site, I flip things around here and blog on things I find during my many daily surfing through the crap of the internet. I will blog on the issue and promote the web-site that my good buddie Rex Dixon and I created a while back to let others who feel the same way to have a site they can post what they found. The blog site allows people to comment and the web-site allows people to release their frustrations about the crap they find on the internet that just begs for someone to ask someone else to Give Me A Friggin Break.
Now there are a prolifery of other sites I write for and Golf and social sites I am a member of where I also will post a new look at things for their members. The list of those sites is too long to list in this blog. Maybe I will do another post to explain why I am on those sites.
The Bottomline is: If you want to get noticed on the internet you have to go to where the people are on the internet. As I have written about many times, there are far too many groups of people online that move from group to group, platform to platform, using applications after applications to track for blogs that are on their interest. Staying in one place and talking about one thing will take a person a long time to gathering the people who are interested in what you are talking about. Especially if it is a niche market like Business Golf.
So if you have the time or even if you do not, take some time and consider setting up several shops and talk on a number of subjects. Then funnel all of that effort to the one site that is your reason for being on the internet.
This should answer the questions people have on why I blog on so many sites...or maybe not. Either way, if nothing else it explains why I do what I do.
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