If You Plan On Golfing In Texas In May-Get Your OFF now!
Right Now, Today, if you are living anywhere in the South or Southwest you are probably playing golf. That is if you are not putting out fires… The weather here is more than unbelievable, it is scary. What is so scary about 80 degrees in January…the Mosquitoes that this weather will breed in May…
These pesky insects can ruin a great golf game… Usually North Texas is having freezing weather that kills the larva of the mosquitoes this time of year. That is the only thing that keeps them in check and from getting so big. I had a buddy who told me he heard that some were getting so big they started filing flight plans with DFW airport. Now that is pretty typical of a Texan to say that, but being a Texan I am not discounting it a bit.
We had a mild winter last year here in Texas and the mosquitoes took over about May. The Ducks on the golf course had eaten so many Mosquitoes their belly’s were dragging and most could not fly. I can only imagine how many skeeters we have this year.
Last May I took a few clients out for a round of Business Golf and by the time we got through we were covered with mosquitoes bites. Fortunately all the clients I was golfing with were from Texas and knew what to expect. But if they had been from Arizona they might not have been as understanding. Something like this could effect the business I was conducting after the round of golf. But, Texans are a hardy bunch and I got the deal done that I planned on doing..
I guess this year I will have to buy OFF by the gallon…I just hope OPEC doesn’t have any control over the price of OFF.
About The Author: As President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, Scot Duke provides over 31 years of corporate management experience to helping small businesses improve their marketing strategies. To purchase How TO Play Business Golf visit http://www.innovativebusinessgolf.com/ or Scot can be reached by info@innovativebusinessgolf.com or 214 549-0306.
I still think Minnesota has the biggest meanest mosquitoes!
Yes, I hear that St Paul International had to build a special runway to support the flight plans that thier mosiquitoes file...
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