Saturday, May 27, 2006

WARNING: Business Golf May Be Hazardous To Your Competition

Yes, there is a hazard to using Business Golf as part of the way you do business. 

If used incorrectly, which a bunch of people are doing, it could hurt your business more than help..

If used correctly it could be the edge that keeps your customers from jumping to your competitors.

What it boils down do is:

·        Golfers like doing business with other golfers!  Period! No ‘If’, ‘And’ or ‘But’s’

·        Business owners who Golf like doing business with Golfers..


I think you get my point.


But, (Yes, I have to throw a ‘but’ into this), if you do not know how to use Business Golf correctly you could be helping your competition, especially if your competition is also a golfer.


Another distilling fact is that you do not have to be a scratch golfer to be the best Business Golf player.  What you have to be is someone who knows how to go about playing business golf. 


Yes, even a non-golfer has a chance at getting involved with this rapidly growing business tool.  And, in my book, How To Play Business Golf, I really help those who are currently not playing golf to understand what they are missing out on, and explain how they can get a quick start at learning to play golf.


Avoid the hazards involved with playing business golf incorrectly by reading my book, How To Play Business Golf.



Scot Duke


Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC.


Author of: ‘How To Play Business Golf’, From The Boardroom To The Fairways…

The best investment you can make for your business…




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