Sears: Maybe I Should Shop Someplace Else! (Part 2)
The story continues on the travesty of quality with America’s manufactures and the very poor customer service that goes with it.
Check out the Part two of the story...
....Where golf and business merge to become Business Golf.
The story continues on the travesty of quality with America’s manufactures and the very poor customer service that goes with it.
Check out the Part two of the story...
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I don’t know how long a business can go without a business plan. I have written on this subject a few times, but I keep reading others opinions on the need for a Business Plan.
I find it very interesting how some people who are currently in business do not feel they need a business plan. Guess that explains why when I asked how their business is doing they don’t know...
Business Plans: Yes They Are Needed Still!
Click Here to learn more about Duke
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Monday, February 26, 2007
Labels: business, business plan, plans
There is a huge quality issue that needs to be addressed in
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Monday, February 26, 2007
Yes, I only was 50% on my picks. Get the full story at
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Labels: golf, match play, world cup
Yes, I only was 50% on my picks. Get the full story at
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Sunday, February 25, 2007
But I have not seen a day that someone is not making news in this huge market.
There is always something someone is reporting on.
And it is no different over at Technically Speaking. There is a lot of Tech stuff reported there. OH, don’t get me wrong, there is much more reported by others and maybe reported a different way, but as far as providing you another point of view there is probably not another one that shots much straighter than Technically Speaking....
Yes, I write for TS and I write for this site and I write for five other sites, but like all of the sites I write for, I do so because I like to and I like to because I want to write for the sites that are run by people who are professional and have a clean vision of what it is their site is all about.
Technically Speaking is all about reporting what is going on around the world as a whole, not just Tech or just the who’s who kinda reporting you see everywhere else. TS cover more and since I am now on the volunteer staff I know what is coming up to keep the site heading for the top of the Tech News World Report.
If you have not seen Technically Speaking then you need to check it out...a great site for information on that is going on around the world of everything.
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Labels: Rex Dixon, Tech, Technically Speaking
I am really getting razed by my fans about my perditions on the WGC Match Play. It is fun and you need to check it out.
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
scot.duke @
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The WGC Accenture Match Play tournament is one of the best showcases for REAL golf.
Why doesn’t TV like it?
Well, only knowledgeable businesses that understand golf will sponsor this event. All of the sponsors who are looking only for a number hate the format because, like what took place today, the marquee players are at risk of not making it to Sunday when the golfing viewer ship is at its highest...and even higher if Tiger is playing. So, what will take place now that Tiger is not playing, less sports coverage will be provided of the event from the network feeds primarily due to the TV sponsors pulling out so the network is not getting the revenue to support the people they have in the field covering the matches.
Again, Tiger brings in sponsors to the golf events, but if he falls short and losses in the match play event like anyone cane, the sponsors feel they are getting shorted and will not sponsor anymore Match Play events. They are only interested in the event because the main draw to their product is playing, Tiger.
It still is a great showcase of how Real Golf is to be played...sponsors or not sponsors, it is worth watching.
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
scot.duke @
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thanks to all of the fans of Technically Speaking, Rex Dixon and Mae Oakmont were recognized by SlashCast as their winning video.
You can check out the award winning video and read the whole story.
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Yep, my ol buddy Rex Dixon of Technically Speaking has scooped this story for ya, but you know, “it ain’t over till it is over’ I am not quoting Yogi Berra, but even Yogi the Bear could see what is truly going on as well as I can.
I don’t believe the Apple and Cisco deal is fully settled...some of these wounds are pretty deep. This latest announcement Apple and Cisco have made was to get the media attention off this show so more maneuvering can be done on how the deal will really go down.
Plus, the big dog, AT&T, who is watching this one real close since they will be distributing this phone, is probably wanting for the smoke to clear before they step in to put their two cents in, or several trillion cents in is more exact.
I’ll get you in the loop if Yogi has anything else to say... Check out to see what RD has to say
Apple and Cisco iPhone Deal Settled
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Through out history there have been some great events held that everyone wants to be included.
One that people tend to over look is the simple contest. What do I mean by “simple contest”?
Well my good friend, ‘The Grill Master’ of Give Me A Friggin’ Break dot com and who is also the ‘Head Dude’ over on Technically Speaking is holding a contest that is fun for anyone with a video camera.
Too bad I am the ‘Second Mule’ of or I would enter this, but since I am part of the TS team, I am not eligible.
You however are eligible to enter. If you have a video camera, and like to have fun with it, as well as potentially earn some prize money – then definitely head over to Rex Dixon’s Technically Speaking blog now to read about this great new contest he has set up for FUN as well as prize money.
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
My previous article, No: It Is A Good Word, came up this week in a conversation I was having with some of the non-profits I am working with.
Seems what I mentioned on how many people do not want to appear negative by not saying the word NO was being discussed during the group’s meeting. After a year, my statements have been confirmed many times over.
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
OK, Business Golf Fans...what a lot of you have been bugging me to provide you is now here.
So go take a listen. It is the New! is a podcast so you can download it
Take a listen...I think you will like it.
You can email your questions to
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Check this site out...some pretty funny and ridiculous stuff out there. And this site gathers it all up in one place.
Make sure to take a look at the Unpublished Tab. That is where the latest and soon greatest Friggin Breaks are located.
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Yes, I am a big fan of the show Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. The name of the show was longer than its season. Struggling to make it through its first season it seems it is not going to make it through its second season.
Too bad, it is the best written show on TV. Lets hope that the Black Donnelly's show that is taking Studio 60's place next week takes a dive as it is expected to do and we get back to regular programing.
Stay tuned, we can only wait and see.
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Monday, February 19, 2007
Podcast: Coffee with Rex Dixon
Check it out and get what is happening internationally.
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Monday, February 19, 2007
I have said it more than once and I will say it again, if you are going to play Winter Golf, then pack your bags and get to Southern Desert Winter Golf.
If you have not been to Palm Springs, CA, you Gotta go. If you have been there then you know that there are more golf courses than it is humanly possible to play during the winter...I am sure there have been many try...and can venture a guest that there enough golf courses in the area of size of the city of Dallas, TX, where you could play a different course then entire winter and never play the same course twice, unless you wanted to.
I am heading out to Southern California in a few weeks and I have two days to get my fill...but I am heading up to Las Vegas for three days to play hey, give me a friggin break for playing winter golf where it is warm...what is holding you back?
If you need a business reason to get out there so you can write it off as an business expense...get in touch with me and I will not only tell ya how, I will show you how to make playing business golf work for your business.
You know how to get in touch with me.
Let me know how I can help.
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I hope Fred Couples is not out for the year. Usually his back flares up when the temperature is cool and damp. Maybe when the tour hits warmer weather he will be in the mix. I really hate to hear when one of the greats of golf cannot show the fans how well they can play.
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I was over at ProBlogger digging around and found this great article to share with my fans. It is titled:
How To Drive Traffic to Your Blog - The Advice of a 12 Year Old
Spoken well for a 12 year old...hope I am around to read what he has to say when he is my age.
Scot Duke
President & Business Golf Mentor
Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC
My Blog:
Happy Hour with Mr Business Golf
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
comments has a brief report on Phishing occurring for people who are looking for jobs. The warning is to check your sources before providing person information.
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Seems I have been around the world in the two years I have been talking about How To Play Business Golf. Since I started here on in 2005, I have joined more sites and blogged in more places around the world than I can remember. I have even forgotten most of the beginnings of my adventure. But I know it was here.
I am having fun and meeting a lot of new people everyday and a lot of them are finding that what I have to say is more than they initially thought they had about Business Golf. So when I say, let me know how I can Help. I mean it.
And to show I am serious, I have developed a seminar/workshop that shows you How To Play Business Golf Seminar/Workshop.
I am podcasting and I will soon be videocasting, I am guest blogging on a number of sites, I am producing web-sites, consulting in internet marketing and I am just all over the place.
I talk straight up Business Golf on I am wide open on my site Innovative Business Golf Solutions; I am insightful on Technically Speaking and just having friggin fun on my site
So, you see, there is a lot more to this Business Golf thing than you are thinking and no, it is not the latest scam brought to you for $29.95 to correct your slice...Give Me A Friggin Break...
Check all of these sites out and find out why golf is really a place to be and golfers are really people who just want to have fun.
Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf. Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.
Posted by
Mr Business Golf
Monday, February 12, 2007